“Hasta que se seque” (Until it dries out) is a project that delves into touristic practices, specifically the act of collecting objects as “souvenirs” from natural environments. A short film and an installation merge childhood memories with surreal elements, creating a poetic narration of this practice and its consequences.

The bay of Palma is one of the most touristified places of Mallorca. Not far from hotels, parking lots and plastic sun beds, the rocky coast on the east end of the island served as a quarry almost eight hundred years ago; signs of this extraction process are still visible today. 

What goes unnoticed are the consequences of another extractive activity: through the years, the collection of seashells, rocks and sea urchin skeletons led to the almost-total disappearance of sea urchins.

TOMASTMT (IT/NL, 1993) is a project rooted in research, creative writing, and site-specificity that focuses on themes of ecology and nonhuman perspectives.
Merging storytelling, landscapes, and mythology, magical places and works are created through collaboration with Rebekka Bank under the name MIST.
By juxtaposing their preferred materials—textiles and ceramics—they produce sculptural objects, performances,  installations and fictional narratives that inspire reflection on contemporary life and invite us to reconsider humanity’s place within the interconnected web of everyday life.